My impressions of Helsinki: well, some of the stereotypes definitely have validity...
- Most people in the street look like they are going either to or from a funeral - smiling at strangers or being talkative (when sober) is possibly frowned upon.
Looking down the barrel of a canon on Soumenlinna Island
- There are lots of crazies about.
- Food isn't their strong-point. This is perhaps a common theme in the Nordic Countries, and Finland isn't any different.
- The more the same vowel can be repeated consecutively in a word, the better. Bonus points if the vowel has dots on top of it.
- Finnish is impossible to understand, even a little bit.
- Turning the traffic lights off during the night at the less major intersections in the capital is an acceptable way to save the planet.
- The Finns are a damn friendly bunch of people who are very hospitable - it's worth your while getting to know one! (or more...)