When I moved to Denmark just over a year ago, I realised there were very few valuable inanimate objects (lets call them 'things') in my life. Or rather, very few that really really mattered to me. I came over with a couple of bags, and quickly discovered that the only things of monetary value that I really needed in my life, and which I would be really annoyed with if I didn't have, was my laptop. All $250 worth of it. And I'd only really be annoyed if I lost stuff that I hadn't yet gotten around to backing up - so no big deal. The only other things of value I had were locked up in Australia - there the big, insured things, which really don't matter if they disappear (like a house - insurance will reimburse), but maybe there were some photos and my coin collection stashed away. Otherwise, nothing.
Shortly I realised that apart from my laptop, I had 2 other things of value with me that I cared about - a watch my dad had given me, and a gold chain I wore daily that I received from my grandparents.
After my second trip to the Hittegods - Copenhagen's Lost & Found, I realised my gold chain was gone forever. It's quite sad when there are only a couple of 'things' you really care about, and then you lose one of them! Out of an accident which broke a tooth, bloodied a shirt, made me look like Fat Albert temporarily, has given me a[nother] permanent scar and 'bump' on my chin, destroyed a nice shirt, caused me great pain dealing with stitches, and made my gold chain disappear. The only thing I really care about is the gold chain.
I'm now trying to work out the lesson in all this.... There are very few irreplaceable things in life - one of them is memories.